If you want the best clean ever you MUST use a carpet cleaner who performs the following processes – or you’re simply wasting your money.

How to clean carpetsOur carpet cleaner Milton Keynes service

  • Carpets fully cleaned & de-odorised
  • Carpet stains removed for FREE
  • Chewing gum removed for FREE
  • FREE Pet odours and stain removal
  • Carpets dry within 2/3 hours
  • Carpet stain protection
  • We have full liability insurance
  • We give FREE quotations

How we clean your carpets

Step one – Carpet inspection
Before any cleaning is conducted we look over the carpet to get an idea of current stains within the carpet. We also ask what previous cleaning and chemicals have been done on the carpet/s.
Step two – Moving large furniture
We move larger furnishings so you don’t have to, Such as chairs and tables etc.Due to insurance reasons we will ask you to move smaller valuable items such as ornaments.
Step three – Pre Vacuuming
We then vacuum to remove any dirt, dust and hairs from the carpet.
Step four – pre spotting
We will then pre-spot your carpet for all difficult stains. We will carry out specialist stain removal techniques on stains that we know will be difficult to remove using non-specialist techniques
Step five – pre spraying
We then apply a heavy-duty pre-spray designed to electro-mechanically lift oily dirt’s and pollutants from your carpet fibres and suspend them floating in an aqueous solution ready to be quickly and safely extracted.
Step six & seven – cleaning & rinsing
Using our professional carpet cleaning machine we then thoroughly clean and rinse your carpets. The twin-vacuum, high pressure hot water extraction unit we use cleans much better because it heats water to a high temperature and then shoots the cleaning solution into the carpet at high pressure. This helps to break up the dirt, bacteria and pollens in the carpet. The machine then produces a huge vacuum volume to draw the dirt and chemicals out of your carpet. This is the only method of cleaning recommended by the world’s largest carpet manufacturer.
Step eight – protective tabs
Furniture is then replaced back onto the carpet with protective tabs under the legs of furniture. The reason we do this is sometimes the moisture left in the carpet will leach out any colour/stain finish from the furniture, which could leave a stain on the carpet.
Step nine – carpet grooming
Where appropriate we will then groom your carpet to ensure we leave it in the best possible condition. This means we run a grooming rake over the carpet to ensure the fibres are tangle-free.